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data landscape

Rethinking the Data Lake with Data Virtualization
Data Lake

Architecting a Virtual Data Lake

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the previous article we reviewed some of the pros and cons behind the data lake ideas, as well as the reasons why a logical architecture like the virtual data lake addresses some of those issues. In this section, we…

Big Data Requires the Context of Small Data

Big Data Requires the Context of Small Data

Reading Time: 2 minutes Big data has entered many companies’ data centers and is already transforming whole business models. The grade of adoption varies from initial test and educational projects towards fully-fledged big data landscapes; on-premise or leveraging the flexibility and power of cloud…

Logical Data Warehouse Six Common Patterns

Logical Data Warehouse: Six Common Patterns

Reading Time: 3 minutes Logical Data Warehouse is a major topic these days, so when Denodo hosted an event focused on this, I had to attend. The event consisted of various presentations, including a general introduction to a logical data warehouse and demos. However,…
