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Data Governance

3 Pillars of GDPR Compliance

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Forrester report “Predictions 2018: A year of reckoning” predicted that 80% of firms affected by the GDPR will not be able to comply with the regulation by the time it comes into force on May 25. Of those noncompliant…

Data Governance

The Facebook Data Scandal and the GDPR

Reading Time: 2 minutes Privacy is a right. These days, people’s privacy extends to their data, and recent events prove just how harsh the punishment can be for not respecting it. In just two days, following the recent data privacy scandal, Facebook lost over…


The Evolving Kin-directed AI Nation

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is the time of Kin-directed IoT resource sharing. It is an era of AI nation that carry on a cooperative behaviour and inhibit dispersal of resources in an Internet of Things environment; such as, Cameras, drones, cars, and  wearables….

Data Science

Data Integration, Made Easy (and Fast!)

Reading Time: 3 minutes This blog was penned by guest blogger, Thibault Perier, Data Scientist from Astrakhan Innovation Management. A typical company manages many disparate data sources, representing volumes that are only growing larger over time (all whilst big data repositories expand in capacity…
