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data security

7 Must-Have Data Management Capabilities
Cloud, Data Science

7 Must-Have Data Management Capabilities

Reading Time: 2 minutes Agile processes and automation are on the rise, causing companies to increasingly seek data virtualization solutions, which offer several important benefits: First, maintenance is cheaper compared to traditional tools, and data virtualization, which does not rely on data replication, eliminates…

Why Data Mesh Needs Data Virtualization
Analytics, Data Science

Why Data Mesh Needs Data Virtualization

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Data mesh” is a new data analytics paradigm proposed by Zhamak Dehghani, one that is designed to move organizations from monolithic architectures such as the data warehouse and the data lake to more decentralized architectures. As long-time supporters of logical…

Unified Semantic Layers Unifying Business and IT
Data Fabric

Unlocking the Power of Data

Reading Time: 3 minutes BITanium, based out of South Africa, is a longstanding Denodo partner. Here, I would like to highlight the stories of two companies that have leveraged our partnership to unlock the full power of data within their organizations. First, a little…
