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Logical Architectures


Denodo DataFest 2017: A Recap

Reading Time: 2 minutes On October 19th, Denodo hosted their annual flagship event Denodo DataFest in New York. The following week, Denodo DataFest landed for the first time in London at the St Paul’s Grange Hotel; both events were a resounding success thanks to…


Market Shifts in Data Integration Technology

Reading Time: 2 minutes It wouldn’t take a genius to notice the evolution of modern technology. In just the past ten years, we’ve watched the flip-phone transform into the smartphone and the automobile inch towards autonomy. Within our own space, we’ve noticed similar shifts,…

Make Your Data Warehouse Flexible
Data Science

Limber up Your Data Warehouse

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some might think that data warehouses are outdated and unnecessary, because today you can store large volumes of data quickly and easily in a data lake or a data reservoir. I think this is a bit short-sighted. How can you…
