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Achieving LDTI Compliance using Data Virtualization
Business, Data Science

Achieving LDTI Compliance using Data Virtualization

Reading Time: 4 minutes LDTI is the most significant change in decades to the existing accounting requirements under US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (USGAAP) for long duration contracts that are non-cancellable or guaranteed renewable contracts such as life insurance, disability income, long-term care, and…

Data Governance

3 Pillars of GDPR Compliance

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Forrester report “Predictions 2018: A year of reckoning” predicted that 80% of firms affected by the GDPR will not be able to comply with the regulation by the time it comes into force on May 25. Of those noncompliant…

Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Data Fabric

Enterprise Data Unlocks Generative AI Potential with Vertex AI + Denodo

Reading Time: 3 minutes Leveraging enterprise data for generative AI and large language models presents significant challenges related to data silos, quality inconsistencies, privacy and security concerns, compliance with data regulations, capturing domain-specific knowledge, and mitigating inherent biases. Organizations must navigate the complexities of…
