
Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar is the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Denodo Technologies. He is responsible for Denodo’s global marketing efforts, including product marketing, demand generation, communications, and partner marketing. Ravi brings to his role more than 25 years of proven marketing leadership from enterprise software leaders such as Oracle and Informatica. Ravi holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour
Business, Data Governance, Data Management, Data Science

Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour

Reading Time: 3 minutes As organizations continue to pursue increasingly time-sensitive use-cases including customer 360° views, supply-chain logistics, and healthcare monitoring, they need their supporting data infrastructures to be increasingly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. Howard Dresner refers to such infrastructures as “active data architecture.” Dresner…

The Data Lakehouse Myth
Data Lake, Data Science

The Data Lakehouse Myth

Reading Time: 2 minutes The data lakehouse attempts to combine the best parts of the data warehouse with the best parts of data lakes while avoiding all of the problems inherent in both. However, the data lakehouse is not the last word in data…

Data Virtualization and Data Science
Data Science

Data Virtualization and Data Science

Reading Time: 2 minutes If we look at a typical data science lifecycle, many of its stages have more to do with data than science. Before data scientists can begin their work regarding data science, they often must begin by: Finding the right data…
