

Cloud, Data Science

Use the Cloud More Creatively

Reading Time: 3 minutes Most organizations are moving their IT systems to the cloud. In most cases, they are performing these migrations to increase the scalability of both processing and storage, and generally to free the organization from the limitations of on-premises systems. However,…

7 Must-Have Data Management Capabilities
Cloud, Data Science

7 Must-Have Data Management Capabilities

Reading Time: 2 minutes Agile processes and automation are on the rise, causing companies to increasingly seek data virtualization solutions, which offer several important benefits: First, maintenance is cheaper compared to traditional tools, and data virtualization, which does not rely on data replication, eliminates…


The Pandemic, Cloud Adoption, and the Future

Reading Time: 3 minutes The pandemic caused considerable disruption, but as a result, it also accelerated cloud adoption. As we moved towards remote working and switched to online customer interactions, it became clear that the cloud was more than just a “nice to have,”…
