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logical data warehouse


The Key to Becoming Data-Driven in Six Weeks

Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in the world of data, which is “ahem” a few zettabytes of nuggets floating around us constantly with growth every second. This data flow has increased our appetite for accessing information whether it is connected or not connected…


Denodo DataFest 2017: A Recap

Reading Time: 2 minutes On October 19th, Denodo hosted their annual flagship event Denodo DataFest in New York. The following week, Denodo DataFest landed for the first time in London at the St Paul’s Grange Hotel; both events were a resounding success thanks to…


Data Virtualization is a Revenue Generator

Reading Time: 7 minutes Many organizations have made it a high priority to implement a data virtualization solution. This makes sense, since traditional data warehouses can no longer keep pace with the explosive growth in data volumes and user queries. The logical data warehouse…
