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data architecture

Cloud, Data Science

Use the Cloud More Creatively

Reading Time: 3 minutes Most organizations are moving their IT systems to the cloud. In most cases, they are performing these migrations to increase the scalability of both processing and storage, and generally to free the organization from the limitations of on-premises systems. However,…


Advanced Technology Meets Advanced Intelligence

Reading Time: 3 minutes Neudesic and Denodo Accelerate Adoption of Hybrid Cloud Solutions Using Data Virtualization Companies that leverage data virtualization can quickly achieve their data and analytics goals, but the companies that get there first begin with a solid understanding of their desired…


Catering to Customers, Individually

Reading Time: 2 minutes The current data-volume explosion can be traced back to a time when our society began to focus more on customers as individuals. We see ourselves as independent, unique people with free will, not bound by social conformity. Catering to that…


A Walk in The Cloud with Denodo by Our Side

Reading Time: 3 minutes For more than three decades, Logitech have been pioneers in the creation of keyboards, mice, trackballs, microphones, and other peripherals; but that was not enough. Video collaboration, gaming, digital home, and security camera technologies were becoming mainstream, and we could…
