Data Science

Data caching modes – when and how to use them

Reading Time: 2 minutes Data caching modes – when and how to use them. Intelligent data caching is a key capability of an enterprise-class Data Virtualization platform and, working in tandem with real-time query optimization and scheduled batch operations, is one of the key…


Breathe new life into your ETL Processes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Breathe new life into your ETL Processes In many organizations, data integration still means using ETL processes to perform the traditional heavy-lifting of data replication and consolidation. While ETL is a tried and tested method for consolidating structured data into…


V is for Big Data Virtualization

Reading Time: 3 minutes You’ve undoubtedly heard the (tired) definition of big data involving the three “Vs” for volume, variety, and velocity. Now there’s a growing movement to associate a fourth V-word with big data sets: virtualization. But what is data virtualization? For years,…


Data Virtualization benefits – immediate ROI

Reading Time: 2 minutes Data virtualization benefits impact on both the business and IT. It delivers value in a relatively short period and keeps paying back over time. From a business perspective, getting integrated information faster has resulted in numerous benefits including better customer…
